Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I recently bought 3 used Haute diapers from The Cloth Diaperin' Mama. She was selling off some used ones that she no longer needed/wanted. I had bought some pocket diapers (Swaddlebees and WAHM*) that had worked ok up until the last month or so. Baby J has grown so much they didn't fit as well as they needed to. Although my last try with pocket diapers had been...ok...I decided to give it another try. Not that it had been terrible, but we definitely had more leaks than we did with flats and covers.
Well, these diapers worked really well! We use them mostly if we are going out, as it is easier to pull a whole diaper off and put a whole new one on in public than to use the flats/snappi/cover method. This is especially true if we are in a place that has no changing area. Anyway, I simply use my bamboo inserts that my mom made and away we go. Because I bought three from her, I have enough for an afternoon or morning out, no problem! Check out her site at

*Work At Home Mom
****Great Cloth Diaper Store**** I have never personal;ly ordered from them, but their prices are fantastic.